Miramar has the same width face measurement as the Erangel map. It is one of the game’s maps with the largest face measurement. These are the maps of Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi, respectively.Įrangel is one of the first two maps of Pubg. Yes, as for how the game is played, there are 4 maps in Pubg mobile. This is because it is slightly more difficult to play with the screen of mobile devices than with the computer. Players are only given a little more convenience when collecting items on the mobile version, i.e. Pubg mobile has almost the same criteria as the computer version. Pubg mobile lite for low-performance phones was then released in 2019. Originally published as Action and FPS game for Android and iOS devices It is among the most downloaded games in game stores with over 100 million downloads. Pubg mobile bluehole was released by the gaming company in 2018. In this way, both pubg mobile and lite version appeared. Pubg management has started to pay a little more attention to mobile with the increase in the number of users on mobile devices, however, explaining the priorities as computers. In this way, I can say that Pubg has gone down in history as the most downloaded and played game on mobile devices and computers. The Lite version is designed to play fluently on phones that are not very good in performance.
It has released pubg mobile lite version for low performance mobile devices because they get a big reaction from mobile devices.
Since pubg game is released for free on mobile devices, it has reached more users than the computer version. Immediately after achieving the desired success in the computer version, they turned to mobile devices and released Pubg Mobile. Pubg Pc version was introduced as an action-FPS game in 2017. Pubg Mobile is a mobile game from playerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the world-famous game.